Under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, you can ask for information about your personal data and make other requests regarding your personal data.
Please review Privacy Policy which explains: what personal information we collect and when and why we use it; the legal basis for using personal information; how we share personal information with others; how we use personal information for various purposes; how we protect and store personal information; how we use cookies; the legal rights available to help manage your privacy; and how to contact us if you have any questions related to privacy.

All asterisk () are mandatory.
Details of the Request
Have you made request in past?

Details of individual / organization raising the request
Are you raising the request on behalf of an individual?

Personal details of the individual
Please upload any related identification you may have.
Only one jpg,jpeg,png file is allowed upto 5 MB.

First Name Last Name
Birth Date Nationality
Place of Residence Email
Home / Correspondence Address
Which Emaar entity is your request for?
What is the category of your request?
Describe any details about how Emaar received / collected / processed your personal data?
Please describe in detail how we can help you with your request.
Start Date Finish Date
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